Newsletter (September 18, 2014)

Dear all, We have just come back from Hong Kong after visiting both our mums. Timothy’s mum is much better than in May when we last saw her. She has put on weight and could chat with us for quite a while. Zara’s mum has done five weeks of radiation therapy and the treatment will complete next Thursday. So far her condition is quite good with not a lot of side effects. Even the doctors and nurses were amazed. So we have plenty to give praises and thanks to our Lord.

Our director has returned but he will go back to Korea at the end of this month for six weeks to continue raising support. So Timothy will be acting director again during that time.

The annual Family Conference of the Reformed Baptists was held during the last week of August. We managed to attend several sessions and we were so happy to see many old friends, some of them we have not met for many years.

The very day we arrived at the airport we had a missionary on her way to Johannesburg because of health issues. It was providential that we could see her at the clinic in Lusaka Airport and spent some time with her and her husband before they boarded the plane.

Yesterday we had a short-term anaesthetist consultant arrive from UK and, after spending less than 24 hours with us, he was on his way to our Mission Hospital. He is much needed here and we know he is going to be a blessing to us all. Things have quietened down a bit in the office after the hectic months from June to August. We are not expecting many people to come till the end of the year. With Christian love.

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