Newsletter (December 22, 2016)

Dear all, Greetings from Hong Kong! Very sorry for the long silence as we have been moving around and don’t feel quite settled to sit down to write letters.

We have been in Hong Kong since 31 August. Zara’s mum has been improving slowly and most of the time relies on someone to push her around in a wheelchair. She had quite a lot of doctor’s appointments and normally Zara would go with her to various clinics and hospitals for reviews and check-ups. We also go with Zara’s parents to church on Sunday. It is good that we can spend a few months with them this time. Zara’s dad is relatively ok but he does have problems in balancing and some other health issues.

We also have had opportunity to meet with some of our friends and former classmates/colleagues whom we have not seen for a long time, some since primary school days! There were also some unexpected things which we had to do and somehow time flies extremely quickly and our time in Hong Kong is coming to an end very soon.

We have been staying in three different places. The first one, two months; the second, sixteen days; and the last, about six weeks. They are in different districts within Hong Kong Island, so we have become quite familiar with many places. These packings and movings are quite unsettling as every time we need to adjust to a new environment and all three places are very different.

We did have a very good time in Zambia from June to August. We visited and talked to many friends and there were many good suggestions as to what we could do. There were a number of possible options which might work and we were hopeful something could be worked out. However, by now we have come to realise those projects may not be able to start soon, if at all. So when we return to Zambia at the end of January we will need to discuss with people again.

While in Hong Kong we came across a programme which may work, but we need to go back and talk to people before deciding if it is something worthwhile to do. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to look for opportunities to serve God in Zambia.

We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year. Blessings.

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